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The Business and Industry Sector is currently meeting monthly to develop strategies and tactics to improve rates fo physical activity among individuals and organizations in the Business and Industry Sector.

If you would like to participate, please email the Kansas City Healthy Lifestyles Collaborative with your interest to be invited to upcoming sector meetings.

The Business and Industry Sector is co-led by Tonya Williams from Garmin and Missy Barnett from Corporate Fitness Works.

KCPA Plan Strategies and Tactics for Business and Industry

The Business and Industry sector includes organizations that offer goods and services, as well as those related to manufacturing goods.

The success of a business is largely determined by the overall well-being of its employees, and workplace initiatives aimed at reducing health risks can have a significant positive impact. One crucial risk factor that is often associated with poor work performance is a lack of physical activity. By taking a leadership role in promoting physical activity, businesses can address this issue and ensure their employees are healthy and productive.

Strategies and Tactics Coming Soon!